Dear Claire:
WHAT and IF , are two words as non-threatening…as words can be.
But put them together, side by side ,and they have the power , to haunt you for the rest of your Life
What if ?
I don’t know how your story ended ,but if what you felt then was true Love…then it’s never too Late . If it was true then ,why wouldn’t it be true now ?*
* Letters to Juliet
Like . :f1:
when i read the name of movie i thought it is same to all the movies which have the same topic
but when i saw the movie i said waw bravo..
ولك ـأيتها المبدعة برافو لقد ـاخترت ـالرسالة التي ـاتمنى ترسل لكل عــاشق وعاشقة :f2: ..
اشكر ـالصدفة ـالتي جعلتني ـارى هذه ـالمدونة ـالتي أقل ما ـأوصفها بجنة ـالقلم وـالفكر ـالجميل..
تـ ح ـيه ..